Sunday, May 10, 2009

Vimy Ridge

The happy couple in front of the monument at Vimy Ridge

If there is one thing that every Canadian who travels to France should see, it is Vimy Ridge. The site of one of the largest offensives against the Germans in the First World War, Vimy Ridge is now a monument to remember the efforts made by the Canadian troops in the first battle where all four divisions fought together. Although the battle was critical to the success of the alied troops, it also served to unify a young Canadian nation who had previously always been in the shadow of Britain.

We took our time in touring the monument before making our way to the visitors center for the "Tunnels and Trenches" tour. The guides are all Canadian university students and we had a great time chatting with them about thier experiences in France compared to ours. They did a great job at presenting some very interesting information. This was my second visit to Vimy as I had visited 15 years ago with my parents and my brother and I must admit that even after seeing previously, Vimy Ridge was still very impressive.

In front of the flag on the approach to the trenches

Going down the stairs to the underground communication tunnels

Sleeping quarters in the communications tunnels. Yes, those beds have chicken wire on them.

On the eve of the assualt, Canadian troops filled the trenches and the tunnels to prepare for going over the top

"Machine Gun" Mindy mans a gun turrent in the trenches

In addition to the monument, visitors center, and tunnels and trenches tour, there are also a few cemetaries. Unlike the one we viewed in Normandy from the Second World War, where every soldier was identified, a large number of these graves read simply "Known Unto God"

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