Thursday, May 14, 2009

Top of Tour Eiffel

Mindy is all smiles as she prepares to climb the Eiffel Tower.

Almost every tourist that comes to Paris makes their way up the great iron tower that looms over the city. We decided that we would make our way up as well and so, on our last day in Paris, we hiked up Tour Eiffel. The view was astounding and at the same time bitter-sweet for Mindy and I as we not only saw famous places from the top, but also memories of great experiences we have had in Paris. We celebrated the trip with a glass of champagne, took a final look around, and then, as the saying goes "what goes up, must come down".

The pace is good and Mindy is motoring up the stairs.

Halway up and we are still all smiles.

How much further to the top already.
Princess Mindy gets her reward. A room with a view and a glass of champagne.

Looking out to the souteast one can see the Champs de Mars directly in front, Les Invalides off to the left, and Tour Montparnasse in the distance.

Cheers from the top of Tour Eiffel!

1 comment:

rodgerfamily said...

What fun travelling vicariously through you both.
When do you arrive in Edmonton?