Sunday, December 7, 2008

A little strol

Mindy on Rue de Rivoli beside the Louvre and right across from WH Smith (our favorite english bookstore in Paris).

After a week of illness, an unreal hockey game last night (more on this tomorrow), and a Sunday spent gathering ourselves for the week ahead (code for sleeping and relaxing), Mindy and I decided we needed to get out of the house for a few hours. So we jumped on the Metro and headed towards the Rue de Rivoli where we went to our favorite english bookstore, WH Smith. It's actually the only english bookstore that we are aware of in Paris, although I'm sure another must surely exist. We love to drop in whenever we are in the area, if only to browse the titles and discuss which ones we have already read. Tonight we picked up a new book for Mindy and then headed out for a little walk.

Upon reaching Rue de Castiglione, we noticed some very interesting seasonal lights in the shape of huge chandeliers leading up to Place Vendome (can you really call chandeliers Christmas lights?!?). The French sure have a different style to celebrate the holidays. We were intrigued and decided to walk to Place Vendome to see the Christmas decorations in the square. There were four Christmas tree shaped displays of lights and waterfall lights above the stores. It looked pretty neat, and of course expensive, as a display in Place Vendome should. The evening had a coolness in the air and we both agreed that it felt like a December evening.

The chandeliers above Rue de Castiglione.

They were pretty detailed and really lit up the street.

Seasons Greeting from Place Vendome!!!

1 comment:

Louise said...

What wonderful memories you are creating!
If we could afford it and IF being the operative workd I would travel and visit all my favourite cities at Christmas time and collectNativity scenes.
Joyeux Noel les enfants.
Love Brian and Louise