Sunday, August 24, 2008

French Bread

If there is one thing that I can say the French do much much better then Canada, it's baking bread and other delightful pastries. I can tell you this much, Tim Horton's donuts are no match to a good pain au chocolate.

During the past week I have felt obliged to check out the local bakeries in Asnieres to find out who might be my regular baker for the year. Since I am currently in pre-season camp for the team, I see no reason why my baker's should not be in camp (competing for the chance to feed me) as well.

As much as I love pain au chocolate, a fresh baguette is also quite the treat. It's a rare treat in Canada, but in France, if you see a lineup outside a bakery, it means that there is no bread left and fresh stuff is in the oven. Such was the scene I came accross today, so what did I do, I stood in line with the French and a fresh bagutte was my treat.

Fresh baguette and an apple. A perfect afternoon snack!


GretzkyWolverine said...

This is a great idea Dave! Sounds like you're already having a great time. Do they show Oiler games at the Canadian Pub? Let's see a pic of the dressing rooms as well. I want to the kind of digs the French rock. Best of luck in training camp. Just remember to keep your head up if you drive behind the net!!!


Dale said...

Tim Hortons has a way to go to match French cooking. :-)

Corinne said...

Dave, what's the matter with you ? You can't eat a 'plain' baguette !? You have to throw some ham in there or better yet saucison with lots of butter ...